Color palette | Values

Please note the ratio use of color indicated by size here.

Limit accent colors to stroke/outline only. Examples are data (graphs/charts), warnings, confirmations, and prompts.

Pantone — White
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB — 255, 255, 255

Crucial Dark Blue
Pantone — 296C
CMYK — 85, 72, 59, 73
RGB — 12, 26, 36
HEX — #0C1A24

Dark Gray
Pantone — Cool Gray 11
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 80
RGB — 88, 88, 90
HEX — #58585A

Medium gray
Pantone — Cool Gray 8
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 50
RGB — 147, 149, 152 
HEX — #8c8c8c

Light Gray
Pantone — Cool Gray 1
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 10
RGB — 231, 231, 232
HEX — #E7E7E8

Crucial Blue
Pantone — 640C
CMYK — 100, 0, 0, 20
RGB — 0, 146, 200
HEX — #0092C8

Accent Red
CMYK — 0, 99, 100, 0
RGB — 255, 0, 0
HEX — #FF0000

Accent Orange
CMYK — 0, 62, 100, 0
RGB — 255, 127, 0
HEX — #FF7F00

Accent Yellow
CMYK — 6, 0, 97, 0
RGB — 255, 255, 0

Accent Green
CMYK — 53, 0, 100, 0
RGB — 102, 255, 0
HEX — #66FF00

Color palette | Accent Use Examples

Please note the ratio use of color indicated by size here.

 Limit accent colors to data (graphs/charts), notifications, and prompts.

print alert example

Do: use accent colors for icons in warnings and prompts.

Do not: use accent colors for text.

bar graph

Do: use accent + primary colors when providing multiple data points.

Do not: use accent colors for backgrounds or graphic fills.

bar graph

Do: use strokes to minimize large blocks of accent colors in graphs.

Do not: recolor graphics or icons provided by the Crucial brand team. 

Color palette | Tints

These slight tints of the Crucial color palette can be used to create a highlight or improve readability of text.

Please see examples for do’s & don’ts for using tints.

White (Dark Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 10
RGB — 230, 231, 232
HEX — #E6E7E8

Crucial Dark Blue (Light Tint)
CMYK — 85, 72, 58, 48
RGB — 39, 51, 62
HEX — #27333E

Dark Gray (Light Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 72
RGB — 105, 106, 109
HEX — #696A6D

Medium Gray (Light Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 45
RGB — 157, 159, 162
HEX — #9D9FA2

Light Gray (Light Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 7
RGB — 237, 237, 238

Crucial Blue (Light Tint)
CMYK — 100, 0, 0, 12
RGB — 0, 156, 215
HEX — #009CD7

Dark Gray (Dark Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 84
RGB — 79, 79, 81
HEX — #4F4F51

Medium Gray (Dark Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 58
RGB — 132, 134, 137
HEX — #848689

Light Gray (Dark Tint)
CMYK — 0, 0, 0, 18
RGB — 213, 215, 216
HEX — #D5D7D8

Crucial Blue (Dark Tint)
CMYK — 100, 0, 0, 30
RGB — 0, 132, 182
HEX — #0084B6

Color palette | Tint Use Examples

 Limit use of tints for accenting necessary text or backgrounds.

print alert example

Do: use the Dark Blue, Light Tint as a background highlight area.

Do: use any of the Gray tint colors as an accent or complement to the base color.

light blue link text vs default Crucial blue text

Do: use the option of Crucial Blue, Light Tint to improve readability of small text on a dark background. 

hovered link background vs default

Do: use accent colors for backgrounds or graphic fills.

bar graph

Do not: use tints as the primary color or background color of a design. 


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